Thursday, June 26, 2008

Self-Love, Narcissus, and Arrogance and the History of Barack's Ideas

They say to love yourself first. I get it, I may not buy into it, but I understand it. B. Hussein though? Yearly Subscription to All About ME Magazine. He just cant get enough of himself. Oh the Hubris of the Victor. Ok, so Barack won the nomination, congrats. Truly, congratulations. I think it really is something that a man like him (and i do not mean Black here) made it through the nomination process. A man with no moral fiber, no ideology, Un-American theology, and no real history of anything remotely resembling political acumen and fortitude. I am stunned.

This is beside the point however. Barack is, unfortunately, completely self absorbed, I think he has finally bought into the Messiah role that everyone has been trying to make him. Remember, he was not BORN a Messiah, but has been MADE a Messiah. I see a great deal of difference there, don't you? What has he done to deserve the title of Messiah? He can deliver wonderful, flowery prose with all the same flavor and fervor that both Martin Luther King Jr. and Adolf Hitler both had. The ability to make people BELIEVE. Now, MLK and Dolfy had two different approaches to their ideals, and in the case of Barack Obama, I feel he is the happy (or perhaps unhappy) marriage of the two. Fascism/Racism, and wanting peace for all and an end to the racial divide. He just cant seem to make up his mind. He blames Republicans for being racists, but then denounces the whole idea of it saying it needs to be abolished. But curious enough, you don't hear many Republicans talking about his race. Hmm. (It almost sounds like the Barack campaign was planning on it, and wrote up good responses to racial attacks a few years ago, and they're just using them up now before they get stale)

Barack's new found love affair with himself finally culminated into a beautiful blue crescendo. The retooling, re-imaging of the previously dull, drab, boring and outdated Presidential Seal. No, It needed a make-over, Obomba style. Now, in the heart of the Eagle, lays the Obama campaign symbol, (which I shamefully admit I still don't understand, Okay its in the shape of an "O", who cares?) and it is in all blue, and the Eagle looks much more fierce and strong. Was the old one weak? I must have missed that. Do you know what other regime came to power, espousing change the people could believe in? An emotional speaker who brought thousands to his rallies? Whose symbol was a strong and vibrant remake of a previous eagle symbol? Who irrevocably changed the course of history and is responsible for the most catastrophic years of the twentieth century and nearly destroyed Europe? Thats right. Adolf Hitler. Look at the similarities. Shocking.

Now, I hypothesize, (an educated guess) had no one said anything about it, it would still be being used. Guaranteed. Guaranteed. Obama has already chosen the new furniture to be put in the White House. I can only hope that McCain has a few punches up his sleeve that can knock Obama off his Media-fashioned Pedestal, and his Own White Horse.

Here is the article by Karl Rove that outlines in detail the absolute arrogance of Barack Hussein Obama, and simultaneously shows us why America cannot allow him to be our President.

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