Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Obama Mess---iah

I know that I often jest at the suspect education and intellect of the Left. However, all too often, I am convinced my jokes have merit. One of the most glaring reasons for my curiosity in this matter is in the case of National Security. I have no choice but to question the motives of the Left. I know all about their claims of being unconstitutional, and that government needs to stay out of people’s lives, and not listen in on the conversations between Osama bin Laden and his tentacles here in America. But, do they really have a problem controlling people’s lives?

It would appear that they do, but, only when it wasn’t their idea first. Period. The Left doesn’t really care about you or me. They pander to us. That is what they do best, that is what they will always do. They love power; they love the idea of telling you what to do, and you mindlessly following along. They blind you with lofty speeches and scary ghost stories, in an attempt to turn your back on them so they can seize power from individual Americans.

The truly scary part of this whole thing is many Americans have been fooled, and tricked into believing. They are allowing the Left-wing Democrat Party to play dangerous political games with the very lives of our families. They speak grandly about saving you from the damaging and controlling Republicans? Ha! They want to ENTER YOUR HOUSE AND SET YOUR THERMOSTAT! Instead, they kill legislation whose very design is to aid in the fight against Terror and radical Islamic Extremists, Heaven-Bent on killing you. You, I said. Tell me, does that not frighten you at all? Am I so naïve to think that the Terrorists aren’t done with us? They killed 3,000 American’s on 9/11/2001 and their cashing in their chips? Please excuse me if I am not quite convinced.

These are not people who back down, we are not dealing with the Gentlemen Warriors of the past here. We are dealing with people whose only calling in life is taking the lives of our parents, siblings, and children. A People who go to a boundless paradise should they take just one of us with them. That idea is terrifying to me. And the fact that the left is keeping us from locking the door to them is even more terrifying.

Let me give you a simple scenario to illustrate my point. Go to the roughest neighborhood in the country. In AMERICA, mind you. Buy a small little house there. Take the bars off the windows, take the locks off the doors, call the police and tell them never to come by, no matter what happens. Then, put a sign on your front door, that says ‘No Dog lives here, and I hate the NRA.” Then, make a big deal about your new computer, iPod and Massive HD TV. Then go to sleep at night. See what happens.

I think my point has been made. You wouldn’t do that to your house and your possessions, why are we letting Congress do it to our country?

That is EXACTLY the agenda of the Left Wing. They have tried to take the pulse of America, seen that Americans don’t like Government interrupting their lives, so they decided that it only meant Government protection of you and your family. They have continually hamstrung the efforts of concerned Americans seeking defense and protection. The Left wants to remove all Government control from your life when it’s not their idea. But not when it comes to our planet, or some new cockamamie scheme they hatch in five minutes. Those are still fair game.

So, when you hear wise-cracks about Barack Obama’s naivetéd, try not to roll your eyes, that person is closer to the mark than we thought.

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