Thursday, June 26, 2008

Self-Love, Narcissus, and Arrogance and the History of Barack's Ideas

They say to love yourself first. I get it, I may not buy into it, but I understand it. B. Hussein though? Yearly Subscription to All About ME Magazine. He just cant get enough of himself. Oh the Hubris of the Victor. Ok, so Barack won the nomination, congrats. Truly, congratulations. I think it really is something that a man like him (and i do not mean Black here) made it through the nomination process. A man with no moral fiber, no ideology, Un-American theology, and no real history of anything remotely resembling political acumen and fortitude. I am stunned.

This is beside the point however. Barack is, unfortunately, completely self absorbed, I think he has finally bought into the Messiah role that everyone has been trying to make him. Remember, he was not BORN a Messiah, but has been MADE a Messiah. I see a great deal of difference there, don't you? What has he done to deserve the title of Messiah? He can deliver wonderful, flowery prose with all the same flavor and fervor that both Martin Luther King Jr. and Adolf Hitler both had. The ability to make people BELIEVE. Now, MLK and Dolfy had two different approaches to their ideals, and in the case of Barack Obama, I feel he is the happy (or perhaps unhappy) marriage of the two. Fascism/Racism, and wanting peace for all and an end to the racial divide. He just cant seem to make up his mind. He blames Republicans for being racists, but then denounces the whole idea of it saying it needs to be abolished. But curious enough, you don't hear many Republicans talking about his race. Hmm. (It almost sounds like the Barack campaign was planning on it, and wrote up good responses to racial attacks a few years ago, and they're just using them up now before they get stale)

Barack's new found love affair with himself finally culminated into a beautiful blue crescendo. The retooling, re-imaging of the previously dull, drab, boring and outdated Presidential Seal. No, It needed a make-over, Obomba style. Now, in the heart of the Eagle, lays the Obama campaign symbol, (which I shamefully admit I still don't understand, Okay its in the shape of an "O", who cares?) and it is in all blue, and the Eagle looks much more fierce and strong. Was the old one weak? I must have missed that. Do you know what other regime came to power, espousing change the people could believe in? An emotional speaker who brought thousands to his rallies? Whose symbol was a strong and vibrant remake of a previous eagle symbol? Who irrevocably changed the course of history and is responsible for the most catastrophic years of the twentieth century and nearly destroyed Europe? Thats right. Adolf Hitler. Look at the similarities. Shocking.

Now, I hypothesize, (an educated guess) had no one said anything about it, it would still be being used. Guaranteed. Guaranteed. Obama has already chosen the new furniture to be put in the White House. I can only hope that McCain has a few punches up his sleeve that can knock Obama off his Media-fashioned Pedestal, and his Own White Horse.

Here is the article by Karl Rove that outlines in detail the absolute arrogance of Barack Hussein Obama, and simultaneously shows us why America cannot allow him to be our President.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Obama Mess---iah

I know that I often jest at the suspect education and intellect of the Left. However, all too often, I am convinced my jokes have merit. One of the most glaring reasons for my curiosity in this matter is in the case of National Security. I have no choice but to question the motives of the Left. I know all about their claims of being unconstitutional, and that government needs to stay out of people’s lives, and not listen in on the conversations between Osama bin Laden and his tentacles here in America. But, do they really have a problem controlling people’s lives?

It would appear that they do, but, only when it wasn’t their idea first. Period. The Left doesn’t really care about you or me. They pander to us. That is what they do best, that is what they will always do. They love power; they love the idea of telling you what to do, and you mindlessly following along. They blind you with lofty speeches and scary ghost stories, in an attempt to turn your back on them so they can seize power from individual Americans.

The truly scary part of this whole thing is many Americans have been fooled, and tricked into believing. They are allowing the Left-wing Democrat Party to play dangerous political games with the very lives of our families. They speak grandly about saving you from the damaging and controlling Republicans? Ha! They want to ENTER YOUR HOUSE AND SET YOUR THERMOSTAT! Instead, they kill legislation whose very design is to aid in the fight against Terror and radical Islamic Extremists, Heaven-Bent on killing you. You, I said. Tell me, does that not frighten you at all? Am I so naïve to think that the Terrorists aren’t done with us? They killed 3,000 American’s on 9/11/2001 and their cashing in their chips? Please excuse me if I am not quite convinced.

These are not people who back down, we are not dealing with the Gentlemen Warriors of the past here. We are dealing with people whose only calling in life is taking the lives of our parents, siblings, and children. A People who go to a boundless paradise should they take just one of us with them. That idea is terrifying to me. And the fact that the left is keeping us from locking the door to them is even more terrifying.

Let me give you a simple scenario to illustrate my point. Go to the roughest neighborhood in the country. In AMERICA, mind you. Buy a small little house there. Take the bars off the windows, take the locks off the doors, call the police and tell them never to come by, no matter what happens. Then, put a sign on your front door, that says ‘No Dog lives here, and I hate the NRA.” Then, make a big deal about your new computer, iPod and Massive HD TV. Then go to sleep at night. See what happens.

I think my point has been made. You wouldn’t do that to your house and your possessions, why are we letting Congress do it to our country?

That is EXACTLY the agenda of the Left Wing. They have tried to take the pulse of America, seen that Americans don’t like Government interrupting their lives, so they decided that it only meant Government protection of you and your family. They have continually hamstrung the efforts of concerned Americans seeking defense and protection. The Left wants to remove all Government control from your life when it’s not their idea. But not when it comes to our planet, or some new cockamamie scheme they hatch in five minutes. Those are still fair game.

So, when you hear wise-cracks about Barack Obama’s naivetéd, try not to roll your eyes, that person is closer to the mark than we thought.

The Most Hated Man in the Country

Now, I am a firm believer in not using the word 'hate', unless it is deemed entirely necessary. However, in recent weeks, due to the absolute idiocy of the Supreme Court, I am left more willing to use the term. And I am much more understanding of those who choose to use it to describe our highest court members. Justice Anthony Kennedy is quickly becoming the most powerful and most hated man in the entire country. Over the last three weeks he has decided three cases that have fundamentally altered the country, and we're still waiting for the DC gun case to be resolved.

I really don't like the Judicial Branch of our government right now. I don't. I am not going to apologize, they got it in their heads, Kennedy in particular, that they can run the country. What happens if a court case comes to them that says, the November Election was incorrect, and that only Blue States should be counted for whatever reason, the Dems will have a majority in the Legislative, and it wont be over turned. The Supreme Court makes Obama President anyways.

Now, I recognize that this is a catastrophic occurrence, and one that would destroy this country, but my purpose for that anecdote was to illustrate the ridiculous amount of Power that Kennedy has taken for himself, and the Supreme Court has allowed. Kennedy should be careful, he is now the most hated man in the country.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

This could not get better...or worse?

Ok. Hussein's camp is trying desperately to score some gaffes of their own, and not leave their nominee to do them all by himself. The following exert is taken from The American Thinker Blog by Rick Moran. In his post, he describes the the Oracle for the Obama National Security Plan. It is none other than everyones favorite childhood teddybear. Winnie the Poo. I am not kidding.

Eeyore for Secretary of Defense!Rick Moran
Jennifer Rubin has a jaw dropping quote from Obama's national security advisor Richard Danzig on why Obama's foreign policy sounds so infantile ("we should all sit down and chat and respect one another").Ed Lasky on Danzig :
The Ur-text of diplomacy. Sun Tzu? Von Clausewitz? Metternich? Woodrow Wilson? Kissinger?
No--A.A. Milne.That's right. Danzig thinks that Winnie the Pooh is an ideal model
for national security:
"Winnie the Pooh seems to me to be a fundamental text on national security. He spelt out how American troops, spies and anti-terrorist officials could learn key lessons by understanding the desire of terrorists to emulate superheroes like Luke Skywalker, and the lust for violence of violent football fans. . . ."
Mr Danzig spelt out the need to change by reading a paragraph from chapter one of the children's classic, which says: "Here is Edward Bear, coming downstairs now, bump, bump, bump on the back of his head behind Christopher Robin. It is, as far as he knows, the only way of coming down stairs. But sometimes he thinks there really is another way if only he could stop bumping a minute and think about it."This is not a spoof, says Rubin although I can't decide whether it is scary, stupid, or just typical liberal idiocy. I nominate Christopher Robin as Secretary of State.

What is next? The Big Purple Dinosaur (Barney)? Dora the Explorer? No wait, I've got it, Hannah Montana for Obama's veep!! Heard it here first.


The post below is ENTIRELY facetious. I in absolutely no way disagree or take ANY issue with the founding documents of this country. I believe, rather, in a much more strict adherence to our basic written laws and basic freedoms. The Issue I am sarcasitically making here is that the Supreme Court has infringed upon the basic tennants that make this country great. They have eroded democracy and imposed their personal beliefs on that which they are bound by law to judge without personal influence. THAT is the point I try to make.

Infringement..On Our Own Laws, Lawns, and Guns.

Last week, and potentially this week, the U.S. Supreme Court got it in their heads that they would run the country. Not all of them, but five, and that is all it takes. Thank you oh so much Justice Kennedy. You really took Marbury V. Madison to heart didnt you?
When my father hits a golf ball into the lake, he is visibly and audibly upset. He then follows his tirade with a "I hated that ball anyway. It was a bad ball." Well, Justice Marshall, err, I mean Kennedy, I hated my Freedom anyway, those Laws made by the people, and for the people were bad laws. The Declaration of Independece? Terrible. Despite the fact that no one before you four had a problem with it for almost one hundred and fifty years. And I mean no one. Flocks of people came (and still come despite our best efforts) to America to enjoy the freedoms men smarter than you all or I wrote down on that document. How dare you repeal those words. How dare you force new legislation down our throats without first hearing the voice of the people. How dare you once again (Roe v. Wade) impose yourselves on the laws of this country, when you by rights have no justification or leagal right to do so, besodes that which you have given yourselves. Our enemies should be cheering you names. In a single stroke, you, the US Supreme Court, has given the truth to their words, that were are hypocrits, who cannot keep their promises, even to their own people. You have weakened this country, fitfully tarnished the shimmer of Freedom on this world, and in one stroke did more to ruin this country than any has done since you all decided Roe v. Wade.

Once again, thanks again. Maybe next time you guys could turn a case down? We'd all appreciate it.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Barack: Boundless Naivete

I am sighing. Ok Barack, I guess America will give you another try to get this right. I don't know about the rest of America, but I am getting very tire of hearing about Barack Obama's 'friends'. Now, let me say this much. I am not tired of them the same way I am sure Die-Hard Obamites are. I am simply tired of Barack defending them, denouncing them, renouncing them, disassociating himself from them, and finally regretting he ever knew them. Oh I'm sure the hopeful President regrets knowing them. But the naiveté is the real problem here. I'm not talking about the naiveté that you hear all over now. The real naiveté that should be discussed is Barack thinking no one would find this out about his 'friends'.
Are you kidding? You are trying to become the leader of the Free World, President of the Greatest Nation of all time, and the Most Powerful man in the world. You didn't think that half an hour of research on the Internet wouldn't be done concerning your closest consiglieris? Come on Barack. Time to check into reality.
The other naiveté that really gets me, IS what everyone else is talking about. The idea that B. Hussein really thinks he can wade into the Mid East like John Wayne, and fix all of their problems with the US makes him not only naive, but delusional. Dangerously delusional.
B. Hussein's idea that unconditional, Fireside Chats will work on religiously motivated enemies is ridiculous and potentially disastrous. Obama has no plan. Obama has no strategy. Obama has no contingency. Obama has no ideas. What B. Hussein DOES have are words. Lots of them. Ones that sound really really great, especially if you live at 1000 W Stupid Street, La La Land. Too bad our enemies don't. Too bad the rest of America doesn't either. Grow up Barack, if we make you our President, you better have more in your holsters than air, empty words, and a finger in the vague shape of a pistol.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Imposition of the Liberals

I am only one voice, which is a sad and simple fact. In the realm of American Politics however, that is all that is required to not only be heard, but understood, followed and more importantly accepted. Fortunately for me, there is not even a requirement to make any sense when I speak or write. To see the veracity of my statement, one need only ask Barack Obama, or the Liberal ‘Drive-by’ media.

So. Sit. Listen, for I am no more than a single voice in the drumming cacophony of American voices, but you still must listen. You must, because I am an American Citizen, and a voter. The goal of the following pages is simple. It has to be, I am no genius, despite my best efforts. I am no statistician, I can’t even read numbers. I am not a pundit, I am not a politician. I am merely a concerned observer looking for clarification. I implore those with my missing genius to contact me at the conclusion of this and give me those answers. Or instead, just dazzle me with spectacular verbiage and placating speeches.

This first section is concerning no more than one word. This word is dangerous in my eyes. It lends itself to the unfortunate metaphor of a cold hand gripping my heart. Imposition. I hate imposition, which is perhaps why my eyes glaze over and my brain dies a bit every time Al Gore takes the stand within earshot.

Now, tell me where I’m wrong, here. I see Imposition coming. It’s not hard to see, it is not as if the Left is trying to hide it or anything. I am just wondering why we’re (all Americans both Liberal and Conservative) rolling over? This used to be the land of the Free. I kinda liked that whole thing. I know, I know, Liberals HATE freedom. I know freedom is now an old idea. I know Liberals constantly feel the need to change things. And that means one day, they had to change that whole freedom thing. I just don’t know why they think they are Oracles. I don’t want to live like you. I want to eat meat, and drive an SUV, and pay through the nose for gasoline. I want to play in the street and eat ice cream for dinner, and how dare you tell me that is wrong and I need to change. How about this Radical Left, you guys change. That’s my business, right? No? Oh, jeeze, I’m so sorry.

I never knew that my driving around, was alone responsible for the destruction of the environment. But you know what? I really don’t care. I know that paints me as an uncaring, politically incorrect ogre. Once again, don’t care. I’m sorry, I’m not sorry. What arrogance on the part of the Left. That they think one single country can fundamentally alter the course of the planet. That the U.S., should it convert to Green Everything, would shift the doomed course of Earth. I thought they said it was inevitable? Am I once again mistaken? If it is inevitable, I’d just as soon forget going green, wasting my time and effort, and just live like I want. Thanks anyways guys. Really, no thanks. No..really, No thank you. Now, get off my front doorstep.

The liberals constantly and relentlessly feel the need to tell America that their idea of the country, and their agreed upon view of morality, patriotism and justice are the right ones. That anyone that disagrees with them are Untouchables. Not the cool, Eliot Ness types, you know, Scottish Sean Connery toting a machine gun, but rather the dirty Indians washing themselves in the dirtier Ganges.

Maybe I’m too young to remember, but when did disagreement and debate equal anathema? Is it merely a lack of respect on the part of Liberals? They just don’t respect my opinion or my desires? They know what I want better than I do? Or they think they do? Is it arrogance? Do they think they know better because they believe themselves demigods? Oracles and beacons of light for the heathens they lead? Is it more? Is it fear? Are they afraid of what might happen to them if they didn’t mess with things? That they would be cast out of power?

I think so. In fact, what I see is much more than that. I think it is all of the above, and that the Democrats and the Liberals in general are in denial. They deny the dangers of Terrorism, they deny the effectiveness of market forces, they deny the benefits of small government, they deny the state of the environment, and worst of all, and they deny the existence and potential of opposing viewpoints. Well, wake up Liberals. No, never mind. I know you can’t wake up, but at least come to grips with the reality of reality.

I love Fantasy, I read it, write it and watch it (Lord of the Rings). But, unlike the Democrat party, I know the time and place for it. I don’t live there. The Democrats must get their mail in the Shire, next door to Bilbo and Frodo Baggins, if they really believe the limited actions of ONE COUNTRY can reverse the still unproven effects of global warming.

I have yet to fully express the problem with imposition. A synonym for imposition is oppression. Another is tyranny. Why would Americans, a busy people, the hardest working people on the face of the earth, be so willingly told what to do, how to live, and be so lazy on confronting it. Are American’s too tired from their busy work day to open their eyes to the fascists infecting Washington?

At the risk of sounding younger than my age, I have only this to say to the Left-handed Jolly Green Giant. ‘I’m not gunna, period.’

I am not going to let you into my home and set my thermostat. I am not going to let you keep me from the gasoline pump. I am not going to let you look over my shoulder when I am mowing my hopefully massive backyard. Instead, I’ll slam the door in your face, barrage your office with angry emails, and donate money to ANYONE willing to get you out of office. I am not kidding. Left wing, here is a free warning from me to you. Cut it out.

Americans can take a great deal, but control and hypocrisy tend not to be high on their list. I say hypocrisy, because I wonder where you think you get off saying the Patriot Act is too invasive, Anti-American, and Unconstitutional, but yet, the looming and dooming ‘Green Act’ where you tell me how much I can drive, and what my house temperature can be and when, is ok? How the heck do you guys reconcile that? Please, inform me. I’m sure I’ll have a fabulously rehearse, and overly verbose response made up by then. I’ll get my speech writer on it right away.

Friday, June 6, 2008

You can't fight love

You simply cant fight love. Two good friends of mine echoed themselves when they spoke those words. Not to say they havent been said before by anyone, but it was the context of which they spoke, and more importantly the TIME they spoke it. Two years ago, they were speaking about Barack Hussein Obama. Months before his overly verbose campaign began. "You can't fight love, Mike." They said at once. This was their answer to my question of "Why does the left like Barack so much, when he's only made one good speech?"
Their profectic response, 'You can't fight love.'

The Liberal Infatuation of B. Hussein Obama is a dangerous one. These times do not call for experimentation, or change. What the country truly needs is more of the same. I know, during a campaign season those words are anathema. But hear me out. We need more of the same pressure on Radical Fundamental Islam, we need more of the same tax cuts (In fact, more cuts would be dandy). We need the same morality of our last President, and I know this will come as great consternation to the Left, but we need the same judgement.
Clearly, I repeat, clearly, B. Hussein Obama does not the the experience, wisdom, morality, or judgement to lead this country, or ANY country for that matter. For evidence, one need look only at his suporter that have so graciously made themselves known recently.

Still, despite his friends, despite his name, and his father's religion. Despite the shady property dealings. Despite the ignorance, Despite it all, B. Hussein Obama is ahead in the polls, and the Left, despite it all, is still in love. I guess my friends were more right than I thought. You simply can not fight love.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Mission Statement

I am afraid that in my previous post, my over-excitement to begin this monumental task was far too great. I got ahead of myself, proclaiming that I would post my first document for your persusal, before the foundation of this site was established. I should not have. If this task is to be done well and properly, it need be done with a meticulous mindset. That can not be done hastily. Therfore, I feel compelled to lay out the plan and the Mission Statement for this location. The Mission of American Acumen is as follows.

American Acumen is dedicated to the thoughtful, intellectual American Political Debate. Here is a location for interested individuals around the globe to view a small site where the major political events of the day will be discussed. This site does not pretend to be fair and balanced. The opinion of the commentator and any future commentators will become clear though their pieces. The purpose of American Acumen is to discuss the highest profile national stories of the day. These are opinion pieces, and do not pretend to be reporting anything.


Coming soon, just as soon as I can transfer Docx. to doc.