I am a bit dazed. Barack Obama has once again dumbfounded me. His most recent change of direction on Israel sheds some light on what kind of a man Obama is. Concerning Israel back in 2000, Barack Obama said that a unified Israel wsa important, and how it should stay. Then, in 2008 Barack and his boundless wisdom had this to say on Jerusalem. "Jerusalem will remain Israel's capital, and no one should want or expect it to be re-divided."
Ok thats one switch, and Barack Like the old Barry Sanders shifts direction smoothly.
Later that same year, not 6 months later, Barack Obama had this to say on his Israel/Jerusalem position. ""Let me be clear. . . . Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided."
Ok, thats two.
Later, in this year, Barack Obama, in an interview with Press Secretary wanna-be Katie Couric, Obama once again shifted position when called out about the switch. Saying that "there was no shift in policy or backtracking in policy. We just had phrased it poorly in the speech."
Oh, ok I get it. Find out that what you said was in utter contrast to your former position, so you get to say, "I didn't mean it that way," and it just simply goes away? If an NFL RunningBack had moves like this guy, he'd have a SuperBowl Ring on his finger in no time. TOUCHDOWN! He certainly shook me out of my proverbial pads.
How can anyone like this guy? When he isnt in front of a teleprompter the eloquence and coherence fly out the window. He has great and I mean GREAT timing when delivering a cannedspeech. But this guy can not think for himself. Others clearly think for him, put words in his mouth, and he is so engrossed by his own false greatness that he is blind to the fact. He is a puppet. A puppet of Axelrod, a Puppet of Soros, and the Democrat party as a whole. He is nothing more than a suit up there that can deliver a line.
He is no great leader, no great savior, no great healer. He is nothing more than the same empty words espoused by the same type of candidate. Only this time, they found a Black guy, who cant be called down, a candidate that enchanted the Media, and slid his forked tongue into the ears of the American People. They trust him, they BELIEVE in him. But I ask you, What is that thing you Believe in him? What does he believe in? Cahnge? Hope?
How about believing in Freedom, freedom from Government, Freedom from over-taxation, Freedom from Terror, Freedom from others, Freedom of the Market Forces. Those are the thinkgs I believe in, and they just so happen to be the things I find curiously absent from His Majesty, the Great Messiah's wonderful and flowery speeches.
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