Friday, October 31, 2008

Try someone your own size Senator

Ok Senator Government. I know you want to turn this country into Europia from 1984, I do. I really do. I know you wont let anyone say anything disparaging about you, your 'friends' your family, or the people 'who you know', but not the way everyone else does. The 'Thats not the __________ I know," crowd. I know you will attack, defame, slander, libel and shame anyone who gets in your way of ruining the great things about this country. Its ok. Because I know the REAL Barack Obama. I know you dont like the fundamentals of Americanism. I know you hate Capitalism. I know you hate Market Economics. I know you hate every man and woman in the Armed service because they protect those things, and I know you hate seeing the United States of America as the greatest of all nations, when really we should be one of 280 countries all sharing the top, equally.

Well SENATOR Obama, I am here to ask you a favor. I want you to attack me instead. Just focus on me. The people out there who are bothered by it, like John McCain, and Joe 'the Plumber' Wurzlebacher are not up to playing on the dirty, shameless field you play on. They are better men than you and I. However, I am not those men, Senator. You have an open invitation to attack me in anyway you see fit for critizing your lack of judgement, logic, ability to reason and ability to lead anything (even your own campaign wasnt run by you, thanks Mr. Ayers and Mr. Axelrod). So, go ahead SENATOR. Take your best shot. Because believe me, you will get my best shot in return, and I dont play nice, and I dont promise to campaign without negativity like you CLAIMED least for awhile.

(Sorta like you said you'd take Matching Funds for your campaign..whoops.)

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