Friday, October 31, 2008

Spreading Lethargy Around

1:a great quantity or store of money, valuable possessions, property, or other riches
2:an abundance or profusion of anything; plentiful amount

Ok, you all get a bonus article today, because I'm angry.

Let me ask you this, does $500.00 a year sound like any of the aforementioned definitions? I should hope not.

But, Barack Obama apparently does. Not only does he see taxing someone (anyone making...who knows how much, now) thousands and thousands of dollars so he can give individuals $500, as a good idea, he deems that WEALTH! Thats not spreading wealth. Thats spreading NOTHING. $500 isnt worth what we're giving up for it.

America, for $500, you are going to sell your Freedom to Senator Government. You will be selling your business. You will be selling your nice fancy car so the government can force you to buy a SmartCar. You will be selling Free Market Principles. You will be selling your Talk Radio. You will be selling your privacy (ask Joe 'the Plumber' Wurzelbacher) You will be selling your house-- since you will be taxed more you'll have to refinanace or move. You will be selling your healthcare. You will be selling your will to work. You will be selling your kid's will to work and go to school. You will be selling Democracy, and you will be selling America.

For $500.00 a person.

I hope you think its worth it.

Hint: It's not.

Try someone your own size Senator

Ok Senator Government. I know you want to turn this country into Europia from 1984, I do. I really do. I know you wont let anyone say anything disparaging about you, your 'friends' your family, or the people 'who you know', but not the way everyone else does. The 'Thats not the __________ I know," crowd. I know you will attack, defame, slander, libel and shame anyone who gets in your way of ruining the great things about this country. Its ok. Because I know the REAL Barack Obama. I know you dont like the fundamentals of Americanism. I know you hate Capitalism. I know you hate Market Economics. I know you hate every man and woman in the Armed service because they protect those things, and I know you hate seeing the United States of America as the greatest of all nations, when really we should be one of 280 countries all sharing the top, equally.

Well SENATOR Obama, I am here to ask you a favor. I want you to attack me instead. Just focus on me. The people out there who are bothered by it, like John McCain, and Joe 'the Plumber' Wurzlebacher are not up to playing on the dirty, shameless field you play on. They are better men than you and I. However, I am not those men, Senator. You have an open invitation to attack me in anyway you see fit for critizing your lack of judgement, logic, ability to reason and ability to lead anything (even your own campaign wasnt run by you, thanks Mr. Ayers and Mr. Axelrod). So, go ahead SENATOR. Take your best shot. Because believe me, you will get my best shot in return, and I dont play nice, and I dont promise to campaign without negativity like you CLAIMED least for awhile.

(Sorta like you said you'd take Matching Funds for your campaign..whoops.)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Enjoy it while we can--America

Should this be the snowflake that starts the avalanche I ask you to please, Enjoy America now. It wont be the same in a year.

Somethings to look forward to in the next four years-
--Less Discussion: Look for the Fairness Doctrine to be implemented on November 5th. Hope you never liked Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity or the irreplaceable Rush Limbaugh, because their potency will be dimished by 'fairness' more 'fair' than a free market.
--A Terror Attack or Two: Don't mistake this one for a second. There WILL be another attack should Obama win. Heck, the Terrorists have supported Obama from the start. The guy had two Muslim fathers. Terrorists know he doesnt want to hurt them. Even if it doesn't immediately come to America, be sure Iran will only be emboldened by an Obama victory. I mean, even if Mahmoud does destroy Israel, His Majesty (No longer Mr. President, this guy is a gift from On High) will still sit down and chat with the Iranians, while Israel burns.
--Unemployment Spikes: Barack's unexplainable denial of simple Economic rules will only lead to one of the largest spikes in Unemployment in history. Given the problems with the economy already in place, the tax hikes on businesses will only lead to those businesses increasing prices and laying off workers. These price increases will decrease the buying power of the American dollar (the same way increasing the minimum wage does) and everyone is less wealthy. Giving a 'tax cut' to the middle class will only make them worse off.
--Free Healthcare!: Yay for everyone! You get covered..maybe. (See previous Post)
--Worse Economic Times: Asw has been mentioned, the 'Economic idea', I hesitate to use the term 'plan' when referencing His Majesty, is a flawed one. Fundamentally flawed for a Market Economy, and will only serve to reduce the wealth of America and her people. Restricting the Market, Censoring debate, and implementing Socialized Programs lead to only one thing.
--Bring on the Socialism!: I love me a good cup'o'socialized coffee when I wake up in the morning. Hey, it IS a cup of coffee, and everyone has it, but its the same crappy cup of coffee for everyone. I just LOVE that idea dont you. Worked great for Eastern Europe.
--Free Sympathy: There's plenty to go around in an Obama administration. Any problem you have... Big Government will fix it for you, and your neighbor..despite his not needing it. I mean ANY problem. Big Obama Government and Big Harry Reid and Big Pelosi will deal with it for you. All you have to do is take their hand.
--No More Republicans: After the Censoring is over, there wont be any. "There are Republicans?" What?! Where?! Thus, no more opposition, no knew regimes, Say Hello to Big Brother and George Orwell.
--High Gas Prices: We already said he's going to tax businesses more, and we all know businesses dont pay taxes, they just pass them on to us. + The Mid East knows they can get away with it because Obama wont drill for fear of an Oil Spill that hasnt happened in over 20 years and might kill a seagull.
Cooler Air: Hasnt it been hard to breathe lately? All this CO2 in the air? I cant catch my breath. As a matter of fact it is 1,000 degrees utside right now. All because America uses oil to power their cars. Gimme a break.
--Dark Times: And here my Fantasy mind can roam. The clouds will loom dark on the horizon, filled with storms born of evil times, (not made by a warmer earth though, we all drive Prius's..or should we call it a Pious?) and the sun will bake the earth in its enmity. And our savior will be all that stands between us and annihilation, ready to lower the rise of the oceans and heal this planet, and all of its wickedness and unfairness. Will he take up the cup of Fate? or will he fall under the weight of that which lay solely on his shoulders? For that is what we have been made to believe, and that is the rubrict that we shall use to measure our great savior, brought to us in the times of greatest need.

You have got to be kidding me. Did you beleive that paragraph? Really? Some of that is a quote from His Majesty's Nomination Speech. I'm not kidding, we're headed for some difficult times. Junior isnt ready, and can't be ready.