Monday, September 1, 2008

No Stomach, No Guts, no Cahones

I find it personally difficult to understand this country lately. Many in this country, it seems, no longer have the stomach to fight the good fight. We don't even seem to want to win one for the Gipper.

With the threat from the Middle East, we seemed willing if a bit reserved, to fight. They want to destroy us, remember? They want all the Infidels killed for the sake of Allah and the glory of Islam. That grates on Americans, but apparently, not enough to fight to win.

What is worse, is that in recent weeks, a Good ol'Bad Guy from our past seems to have surfaced once again. The old Red Soviets. Who didnt like the old Bond movies of the past, where Sean Connery karate chopped Reds left and right? I did, but you can say so long to that idea. America doesnt WANT to karate chop ANYONE. They want to play patty-cake in the sand box, then put their thumbs in their mouths and go to sleep.

Where is the courage? Where is the willingness to do what needs to be done? The Liberals in this country would have us close our eyes to these threats, and I'm talking about the MODERATE Liberals, dont even get me started on His Majesty. Vladimir Putin and the Radical Fundamental Muslims out there pose a significant threat to the security of the United States byu themselves. Now with both of them pressing us, combined with the complete lack of interest in doing something about it, I fear for our security. This country is on the verge of electing a President who cares not for these dangers. He doesnt even acknowledge them as viable threats. They are simply there. He is so blind in his lust for the White House, so single minded in his quest that when he DOES (if he does) wake up to the fact that he is responsible for our safety, it might very well be too late.

Our enemies are closing the distance, and our presumptive President has no plan, no grit, no backbone and no courage to do the right thing. Yes its hard. But being the President is about more than making history, its also about protecting history and all the things that we as a people hold dear. This country can ill afford a President unwilling, unable and undetermined to stand up to those who would seek to punish and destroy us.

This country needs leadership, it needs strength and it needs someone with the courage and determination to stand up to our enemies, with the foresight to win it all. If that means John McCain then so be it, but it is certainly not Barack Obama, the man with no plan.